In Home Inspiration / Oct 29, 2020

7 Home Decorating Tips for Fall

As the leaves begin to turn and the cool breezes usher in autumn, many of us find ourselves eager for a new adventure, even if that means simply freshening our home to reflect the beauty and bounty of nature. It’s time to break out storage bins containing seasonal decor and ready the home for holiday guests. Check out these eight home decorating ideas to help you celebrate this harvest season.

1. Create an Outside Display

A guest’s experience of your home starts outside. Go all out with a seasonal display, combining pumpkins and unique gourds from your local markets with ceramic or felt pumpkins you can reuse every year. Repurpose long-stored items to freshen your display, whether that means grouping squash together in an old wicker basket or planting fall flowers like mums in wooden buckets. Even practical items like wheelbarrows, children’s wagons, or rakes can be utilized in this display. Involve the kids and have fun painting designs on pumpkins or spray painting rakes to give them a festive makeover. 

After creating a display around the floor of your porch, extend the celebration by adding window wreaths and a door wreath or welcome sign. For those feeling especially bold, you can even paint your door a warm yellow, deep orange, or bold red. Don’t forget to forage for treasures in your own neighborhood, like pinecones and acorns, to add fun and flare to your outdoor display.

2. Design a Welcoming Foyer

To add continuity to your outdoor decor, extend the welcoming experience you started on your porch into your foyer. One simple way to create a welcoming space is to add a seasonal welcome mat and a nearby bench or seat where guests can sit to take off their shoes. (This is a highly practical addition, as fall comes with wetter weather.) You can also mount a coat rack on the wall or clear your entryway closet so that guests have a place to stow their coats and hats upon entry.

3. Add Warmth and Comfort to Central Living Areas

When we think of decorating for fall, we instinctively imagine freshening our color palettes and opting for the rich, warm hues we find in nature. While this is a great place to start, you can easily embellish the feeling of warmth by adding extra throws, pillows, sheepskins, and knitted blankets on sofas, armchairs, and baskets in other central living areas. Area rugs are also a great way to create coziness underfoot.

You can even create a “comfort station” by finding an unused table or tea trolley and creating a food and drink station. Simple ideas include a kettle, plenty of tea, apple cider packets, and cocoa, as well as snacks like nuts, chocolates, and apples. Attention to little details like placing snacks in beautiful bowls or placing out seasonally-colored mugs can go a long way.

4. Create Space for Communal Activities

Another easy and inexpensive way to add to your fall decor is to set out a puzzle depicting a fall scene. This doubles as a great way to decorate and a way to create a communal gathering area, either for guests or for members of your own household whenever there’s spare time. You can also create a feeling of warmth and comfort by placing your favorite books around the house on coffee tables and end tables. Making your favorite leisure activities visible can make your home feel like a vacation getaway while also reminding you to slow down and appreciate your favorite things about fall.

5. Add Mood Lighting

In any season, one of the biggest keys to creating ambiance is lighting. This is especially relevant in fall as the days begin to shorten. Add extra lighting that is soft and warm throughout your living room, dining room, family room, and bedrooms. You can purchase a few extra lamps to place strategically throughout your home, station candles on your mantelpiece and tables, or create seasonal jars with “fireflies” (LED twinkle lights in mason jars - there are several ways to do this, so look up your favorite version and have fun crafting!). If you have a fireplace, this is also a great time to ensure that it is clean and working well. A great way to make your fireplace a centerpiece is to add pumpkin displays on either side of its base or hang a seasonal picture right above it.

6. Designate an Outdoor Seating Area

We typically think of spring as the time to create an outdoor seating area, but if you haven’t yet had the chance to do so, remember that it isn’t too late! In fact, fall can be an ideal time to add outdoor seating since outside furniture is usually on sale. In Delaware especially, fall is a gorgeous time to be outside. You can also add a dining area and have fun incorporating bold colors and patterns that might not work with your home’s indoor palette. Fun ideas include a warm turquoise to balance and highlight orange and cream colors. 

7. Don’t Forget the Pets

Last but not least, don’t leave the pets out of the fun! Get your dogs and cats ready for fall by draping a plaid blanket over their beds, buying a seasonal leash, or, if your pets are the sweater-wearing types, making sure their fall wardrobe is ready. Fall is all about finding creative and fun ways to celebrate the ordinary, so don’t overlook your furry friends!

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