In Home Inspiration / Jun 20, 2024
Popular Privacy Ideas for A More Secluded Deck or Patio Experience
A deck or outdoor patio is more than just an outdoor space; it's a sanctuary where you can relax, unwind, and enjoy the beauty of nature in privacy. Whether you're seeking solitude from neighbors, noise, or prying eyes, there are countless ways to enhance privacy on your deck and create a tranquil retreat in your backyard. From natural barriers to creative design solutions, let's explore some of the most popular deck privacy ideas that will help you transform your outdoor space into a secluded oasis:

In Middletown / Apr 23, 2024
A Home Cleaning Schedule That Works For Your Family
In our recent Blenheim Homes blog post, we discussed tips for maintaining a clean home with a realistic cleaning schedule that helps keep the mess and clutter that every home experiences from building up! So we created a sample cleaning schedule for a 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom single-family home that might help or inspire you to get started.

In Middletown / Apr 17, 2024
Why You Should Be Using a Cleaning Schedule for Your Blenheim Home
At Blenheim Homes, we spend a lot of time putting research and thought into the floor plans and layouts of homes that work for modern families and lifestyles so that you can live better and worry less while loving where you live. But everyone knows that maintaining a clean and organized home, while essential for a healthy and happy living environment, can be challenging when put against busy schedules and competing priorities.