In Home Building / Nov 5, 2020
The Kitchen Checklist: All the Essentials You Need
We all know the feeling of walking into a beautifully designed kitchen - our own or a friend’s - and enjoying the set-up and ambiance so much that we can easily envision ourselves making a morning cup of coffee or cooking a delicious spaghetti dinner. We also know the feeling of walking into a kitchen that feels cramped and oppressive, where we would rather not spend more time than necessary. What is it that separates the first kind of kitchen from the second? There are several facets that go into creating a well-designed kitchen, and today we’ll cover six of the essentials.

In Home Inspiration / Oct 29, 2020
7 Home Decorating Tips for Fall
As the leaves begin to turn and the cool breezes usher in autumn, many of us find ourselves eager for a new adventure, even if that means simply freshening our home to reflect the beauty and bounty of nature. It’s time to break out storage bins containing seasonal decor and ready the home for holiday guests. Check out these eight home decorating ideas to help you celebrate this harvest season.