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Should You Remodel Your Existing Home or Build New?

Should You Remodel Your Existing Home or Build New?

Spending more time at home has many of us rethinking our living space and how we use it and with the market hot right now, many people are deciding to put their current home up for sale for something new. The topic of whether it’s better to remodel your current home or build a new one has been much discussed, and there’s a reason for that. The answer to what makes the most sense is heavily dependent on each homeowner’s particular situation, needs, and values. So is it time to move on or make the investment in upgrading your current space? Today, we’ve detailed a few considerations to help you determine the best move for your particular circumstances.
5 Best Outdoor Dining Options in New Castle County

In Delaware / Jul 8, 2020

5 Best Outdoor Dining Options in New Castle County

Eating out isn’t just about the food, although the cuisine is certainly important. Sharing a meal with family or friends creates a sense of community, fosters strong bonds, and can even help you stay healthier. Check out our top 5 restaurants in New Castle County - one just may become your favorite place to enjoy your next dinner al fresco!
8 Benefits of Spending Time in Nature

In Delaware / Jun 25, 2020

8 Benefits of Spending Time in Nature

Whether we realize it or not, we all intrinsically benefit from time spent in nature. Something as simple as going on an evening walk or sitting by a body of water has our muscles relaxing, our minds clearing, and our smiles coming more readily. But even knowing how valuable time in nature is, our busy lives can make it feel like more of a luxury than a necessity. Depending on where we live, it may take work to get a look at a long horizon or enjoy a walk through a wooded grove, and all too often, that’s time we feel we don’t have. Like any other self-care measure, understanding the importance of spending time in nature will help us find ways to make outside time a lifestyle habit instead of an occasional luxury. Read on for our list of 8 benefits of spending time in nature.